Compulsory Purchase Order

We provide Compulsory Purchase Order advice if you are likely to be impacted by road proposals through your property. We have previously advised landowners impacted by major projects including inter alia the Cashel Bypass and are currently assisting landowners on the the N69 Foynes to Limerick Road Improvement Scheme and also the proposed N20 Limerick to Cork Scheme.

Compulsory House & Land Purchase

The Compulsory Purchase of Property is a legal function that grants certain statutory bodies the right to take ownership of land and/or property without requiring the owner’s consent. It is a specialist area where we act for and advise a number of commercial and property clients. We retain the best and most experience valuation experts to ensure that claims for compensation and disturbance are comprehensively prepared and fully negotiated on our client’s behalf. This may at times result in claims for compensation being referred to the State Property Arbitrator for assessment.


Legal Challenges in this area generally pursued by way of a High Court Application for Judicial Review usually on grounds that he Acquiring Authority has not completed or followed proper procedures in the CPO process. A lot of focus is now placed on ensuring that environmental requirements are satisfied. Historically this was the main area in which CPO Schemes were challenged. It remains open to all persons affected by a proposed scheme to object to any part of it but it is imperative to seek advice as soon one becomes aware that their land may be impacted.

We’re here to help and support you through all stages of CPO ensuring your interests are safeguarded.

How Maurice Power Solicitors cand help with CPO

We assist our clients with:

  • Liaising with planners with the assistance of retained planning engineering/surveying & environmental consultants

  • Preparation for and attending oral hearings with Local Authorities and An Bord Pleanála

  • Preparing claims for compensation

  • Challenging aspect(s) of the Scheme

We understand how worrying CPOs can be and we aim to alleviate those concerns whilst pursuing the best outcome for our clients. For independent impartial advice on any CPO matter or for assistance with completing your claim for compensation, contact our firm today.

Get in touch with the Limericks leading solicitors.